
The flesh - Jesus Army Life, Day 225

I am full of admiration at the commitment of members of my household. Church life happens because we choose to make it so. Lives are laid down, the Holy Spirit is released and souls are set free to find and know God. Simple really.

Meanwhile, I groan with the implications of learning the reality of more death to self. It's not easy and I'm not pretending to be perfect, but it's got to happen. Last night we had an excellent baptism by all accounts. I, however, scurried myself away to deal with the anger I felt towards just about everyone. We talk about 'the flesh' being everything about us which is least spiritual, and my flesh was in full force: how dare they think this, how dare they assume that? But in truth, all that was happening was that I was trying to escape the glare of my own selfishness being found out. I'm still reeling now, but I love this church and must continue on, very much in spite of my 'self'.

A little tip: If ever you find that you're justifying yourself to yourself that's the flesh. You just have to allow it to die (John 12:23-26, Mark 8:34-38), talk to trusted friends if necessary, get wise advice and determine to fix your focus back onto God.


  1. Anonymous27/2/06 12:51

    Good to see you looking in the right direction. I have admiration for what you do too. We are all human and quick to anger at times. Being aware of it having the resolve to do something about it can only be for the good! Keep it up Bro'


  2. Agree with D'D'J.Think we all get angry at times..guess it's what we do with it that matters.

    ; ) The TJ

  3. Anonymous28/2/06 09:39

    Wise words from DJ and TJ. Keep on mate - you're a strength to many and the apple of Abba's eye...
