
Gratitude - Jesus Army Life, Day 209

Yesterday I received a phone call from a friend who I'd been trying to catch up with but hadn't seen for some time. I was delighted to hear from him - we go back some way and I helped him out once. We arranged to meet up again and at the end of the call he said: "Thanks for the past."

It touched me.

Last night 15 of our youngsters tripped off to Northampton to sit around a fire in a woods and hear stories of "Christian outlaws" of the past, including Luther, Fox and Bunyan. I think they enjoyed it. Four young sisters then came back to camp overnight in out garden in freezing temperatures. I haven't seen them yet, so I can't say what colour their skin was first thing this morning.


  1. Anonymous13/2/06 09:24

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  2. Anonymous13/2/06 09:26

    Great to have a house-full this weekend. The "sag" factor was setting in a little though by the end of Sunday evening... I wonder what we can do to make Sunday Supper a little more - well - restful, without going for the kind of cosy excusivity that we (rightly) agreed was a bad idea? Comments welcomed from all the devoted readers of Tschaka's blog...

  3. Anonymous13/2/06 10:27

    Yes, the 'sag' factor was setting in with me too, hence not there Sunday eve.
    Short of having another Thursday night type meeting (which involves another brother organising it) it's a difficult one. We could try having a selah evening one Sunday though.


  4. Anonymous13/2/06 22:05

    our skin was fine as we came in at like 5-6ish in the morning! it was too cold! thanks for the concern

  5. Anonymous13/2/06 23:54

    Not as cold as Ryton Pool at 11.30pm !!! Brrrrr. Sup
