
Wish list - Jesus Army Life, Day 509

by Farl of Flickr.comThere are so many gifts you wish you had. I wish I had the gift to reach my friends with my entire heart - the gift of saying the right thing at the right time. I often feel aware of that need because I'm painfully aware that I often get it wrong. I'm usually lost for words and fail to say the right thing; lightening wit is a gift I covet. Another gift I wish I had is the ability to inspire, I so want to share with others the beauty I see, whether it's in God or in them or in life generally. Finally, the gift I would love to have is the ability to make people laugh, I often do, but I'd like the ability to turn it on like a tap, it often evades me.

But then I'm just me, young, gifted, a child of God - I know that is what is important. And I know the strengths I do have, and in some ways I praise God for my weaknesses too.

Photo by Farl of Flickr.com


  1. But you do have the gift to inspire others, though perhaps you do not recognise it because you are not looking at the right media. Your writing ability, if you practice more the art of wordcraft, is considerable. The great thing about the written word as compared to the spoken is that it lasts. You should develop your knowledge of words and their power and then use those skills as well as with poetry to inspire others.
    Don't forget either that you can serve by more than making "a joyful noise"; you have talents, in dance, choreography and drama which were not given to you to bury in the ground. Use these too to inspire.

  2. I think el viejo is right when he says "But you do have the gift to inspire others, though perhaps you do not recognise it because you are not looking at the right media"

    ; ) The TJ

  3. You mean young, gifted and black?
